34 Young Men Involved in Cassock Taking, Tonsure, Minor & Major Orders

The annual feast of Our Lady’s Purification invites us to consider the perfect obedience and resignation of the Blessed Virgin to the will of God. How fitting it is, then, that each year on February 2nd the seminaries of the Society of St. Pius X hold the taking of the cassock and reception of the tonsure ceremonies. By the former, seminarians receive the “habit” of the SSPX; the latter introduces them into the clerical state and the hierarchy of the Church. Striving after the spirit of Our Lady’s “Fiat”, these seminarians are called to offer a more perfect oblation of self and to give their obedience to the laws and spirit of the Bride of Christ.
This year’s Candlemas witnessed an exceptional series of events at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary. In addition to the taking of the cassock and reception of the tonsure, H.E. Bp. Fellay also conferred the minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte as well as the Subdiaconate. Thus, in a single ceremony which lasted for three and a half hours, 24 men took the cassock, the largest group in the recent history of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, eight received the tonsure, one was raised to the order of Acolyte, and one took the decisive step toward the priesthood by receiving the first of the Major orders.
In his sermon just preceding the solemn rites, Bishop Fellay exhorted seminarians to understand the solemnity of their offering of self to Our Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Mother Church. He also encouraged parents to follow Our Lady’s example in presenting their children to almighty God for His service.
Please join us in offering prayers of thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received from the hand of the Almighty, and let us renew once again the ceaseless petition for many holy priests and religious vocations.