Two Floridians To Receive the Religious Habit

On the feast of the Sacred Heart, the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus held the Vesture and Vows ceremony at Vigne di Narni in Italy.
Two Floridian ladies will receive the religious habit of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, June 7th.
Twenty other young ladies will receive the religious habit of the Consoling Sisters and four Sisters will pronounce their vows at the Saint Joseph Noviciate of Italy.
To the three traditional religious vows, the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart make a fourth vow to practice and spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Established in 1961 by Fr. Basilio Rosati, a Passionist priest, the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were entrusted to Fr. Emmanuel du Chalard of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) by Fr. Basilio in 1996.
By God’s grace, the Consoling Sisters benefit from significant growth in vocations, with the United States supplying more of those called than any other country.

Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Phoenix, AZ.
The Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus currently exercise their apostolate in four different houses:
- Vigne di Narni (Italy), the motherhouse that includes the Novitiate. The Sisters there care for the religious care of some elderly people.
- The SSPX Priory of Montalenghe, near Turin (Italy).
- In India, the Orphanage of Palayamkottai has 70 children and a dozen elderly or sick people. Five professed sisters, two novices, and some volunteers devote themselves with priceless generosity. The house is a miracle of Divine Providence; it runs only on donations and receives no help from the State.
- The SSPX Our Lady of Sorrows Priory in Phoenix, AZ (USA) where they are present in the school and sacristy.