Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
O Most Holy Virgin, Our Lady of Guadalupe, who appeared to Juan Diego as a sign of love and hope, we beseech thee in this time of need.
Look upon us, thy children in Florida, with mercy, as we strive to defend the sanctity of life, against the darkness of Amendment 4 and abortion.
Intercede for us before thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that he may grant us strength and courage, to stand firm in our convictions, to speak out for the voiceless and the vulnerable, and to protect the precious gift of life from conception to natural death.
O Mother of the Americas, patroness of the unborn, guide us with thy gentle hand, and lead us closer to the heart of thy Son, that we may be empowered by His grace, to be steadfast witnesses to the Gospel of Life.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us, that through thy intercession, Amendment 4 may be defeated, and the culture of life may triumph over the culture of death, in our beloved state of Florida, and throughout the world.