Bishop Huonder’s Testimony (1)

In a testimony filmed by the Certamen Youtube channel, Msgr. Vitus Huonder, former Bishop of Chur, explains how he retired to a school of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) after leaving the diocese for which he was the pastor, and how he has since evolved. The first episode is entitled, “The Path to the Society of Saint Pius X.”
The first part of this testimony begins by bringing together the stages of Bishop Huonder's life by associating them with the pontificates of the popes under whom he lived, as well as with the troubles that arose after the Second Vatican Council. It also explains why he – at Rome's request – established contact with the SSPX while he was still Bishop of Chur.
In a second part, the prelate explains that the contacts with the Society allowed him to deepen the theological questions involved in these events, and has given him a “new view on the past 70, 80 years” of Church history.
He has these very strong words: “We can speak of a retractatio, of a new evaluation of the situation of the faith at the time of the Council and after. It became more clear to me why the Church has come to where it is today… in one of the greatest crises of her history.”
In a third part, the former bishop of Chur then questions the Council and the estrangement from Tradition that followed. In this regard, he praises the attitude of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who “should have been listened to more,” and against whom there was “a serious injustice.”
Bishop Huonder speaks in German, but his testimony is subtitled in English. Here is the link for the first part.
(Sources : Certamen/MG – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration : © Certamen