Spain: More Than One in Five Babies Were Aborted in 2022

Source: FSSPX News

Bishop Jose Ignacio Munilla Aguirre

Abortion data for Spain in 2022 has just been published by the Ministry of Health. In 2022, 428,208 babies should have been born in Spain; only 329,892 came to laugh and cry. The other 88,269 conceived were aborted.

In other words, 23% of children conceived in Spain were aborted or, in other words, more than one child in five was not born because their mother and society consented. Not only were there fewer births in 2022 than in 2021, but there were also more abortions.

91.23% of abortions took place at the woman's request, an increase in percentage compared to the previous year; 5.66% because the health and life of the pregnant woman were in “serious danger,” although no medical procedure requires killing the baby; 2.8% for risk of serious abnormality in the fetus; and 0.31% for extremely serious and incurable illness.

In 12 provinces, no abortions were performed due to the doctors' refusal; doctors who refuse to kill unborn children are targets of the new abortion law. 

Two days ago, the “40 Days for Life” fall campaign began. It is 40 days “aimed at ending abortion at the local level through prayer, fasting, community outreach, and peaceful, daily, constant vigil outside abortion clinics.”

Yesterday the new law on deranged animals came into force. It is difficult not to agree with Bishop José Ignacio Munilla Aguirre: “This Friday the animal welfare law comes into force in Spain. Among other things, it is prohibited to display animals in a window or sell them in a store or on the internet. A pet registry will be created.”

“To own a dog, you have to take a training course. Animal exhibitions in circuses are prohibited. Animals cannot be used as bait, rewards, prizes, or advertising promotions. Animals cannot be fed food that has not undergone health inspection.”

“It is prohibited to ‘euthanize’ pets without veterinary advice and control.”

“But don’t worry,” concludes the bishop, “the abortion of a human being remains a right in Spain!”