Traditionis Custodes Was Refuted 50 Years Ago

Source: FSSPX News

Nouvelles de Chrétienté, no. 200 is out.

Below is this issue’s editorial, by Fr. Alain Lorans, which focuses on Louis Salleron on the occasion of the biography which has just been devoted to him. The journal slips in and about the convent of the Servants of Jesus Priest and of the Heart of Mary before reporting the first part of a conference on transhumanism and then returning to the Rosa Mystica Mission which took place in March.

In the July 16, 2021 motu proprio Traditionis custodes, Pope Francis affirms that the Mass of Paul VI is “the unique expression of the lex orandi [the law of prayer] of the Roman rite.” As such, he authorizes himself to drastically restrict the freedom to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass, which Benedict XVI, in the Motu proprio Summorum pontificum of July 7, 2007, admitted “had never been abrogated.”

50 years before Traditionis custodes, on July 14, 1971, Louis Salleron wrote an article which focues on the following joint questions:

• Is it possible to ban a Mass which, from its origins, has been the uninterrupted Mass of tradition and which was fixed in the 16th century in full harmony with the Council of Trent, whose works publicly continued for many years had the purpose of determining the eucharistic dogma?

• Is it possible to impose a mass which, clandestinely manufactured by bureaucrats and propagated by constantly illegal means, proposes, by the very admission of its authors and under cover of a few minor improvements, to operate a change in the Catholic faith by instituting an ecumenical rite intended for the establishment of a new Christianity?

“It is obvious that this double coup is impossible.”

Louis Salleron was right 50 years ago. Today some are candidly astonished at the vertiginous fall in vocations; he answers them in an article dated January 17, 1973, entitled “La débâcle de la messe” [the collapse of the Mass]:

“The Mass and the priesthood are linked. This is why we are simultaneously witnessing the decline of the Mass and of the priesthood. When there are fewer priests, there are fewer masses. And when the nature of the Mass is called into question, priestly vocations become rare.”

All the rest is fiction.